First Name
Last Name
NICKNAME - Your nickname or what you prefer to be called (if different from your first name)
WANT TO TEACH: Which departments would you like to teach?
Business Analytics
Decision Science
Organizational Behavior
Technology & Operations
FORMAL TRAINING: What formal training have you received in this department?
PhD student (current)
BA Major
BA Minor
Several Courses at University
Learned through Online Video Course
Other* (please specify your other formal training in the "MESSAGE" field, which is the final question of this application form)
TEACHING ROLE: Have you taught full-length university-level courses in this department before? If so, in which of the following roles?
Professor (including assistant professor, adjunct professor, etc.)
PhD Student
Teaching Assistant
Private Tutor
Other* (please specify your other teaching role(s) in the "MESSAGE" field, which is the final question of this application form)
None of the above
(Recommended) DEGREES LIST - Please list your degrees and the field that these degrees are in.
University name optional
1-ON-1 TEACHING: Do you have experience in PRIVATE, ONE-ON-ONE TEACHING in this department or a related department? If so, approximately how how many students?
None yet, but looking forward to it!
More than 5
(Optional) OTHER EXPERIENCE: Other relevant teaching experience in this department? (optional)
INDEED RESUME: Did you submit a Resume on Indeed?
EXTENT OF AVAILABILITY: Over what time period do you expect to have some availability to teachwith us online, 1-on-1 courses?
If you expect to have availability to teach on an extended ongoing basis, then select "2 yr or more"
6mo. - 1yr
1 yr
1.5 yr
2 yr or more
TIME ZONE: What time zone are you in?
(Recommended) UNIVERSITY-LEVEL TEACHING PRIOR EXPERIENCE: Which departments have you taught university classes in?
Accounting - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Business Analytics - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Communications - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Decision Science - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Economics - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Entrepreneurship -I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Finance - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Organizational Behavior - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Management - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Marketing - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Strategy - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Technology & Operations - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
OTHER - No experience teaching
OTHER - I've taught elsewhere but not a university
COURSE #1 TITLE - Title of Course you would like to teach
COURSE #1 EXPERIENCE: Have you taught this course before?
Yes - one time - More than 2 years ago
Yes - one time - Less than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - All more than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - At least once within the last 2 years
COURSE #1 - PREPAREDNESS: How quickly could you be ready to teach this course? (This questions is NOT about your availability. It is about how prepared you feel to teach this class.)
REMEMBER PARTS: I know parts of the course but need to reteach myself most of the course first
RUSTY BUT GOOD: I need to relearn some chapters and it would be at least a week before first lesson. Need hours of prep before each lesson
QUICK REVIEW: Might need a few days before beginning first lesson. Then minimal prep time before lessons
READY NOW: I am ready to teach this now. Minimal prep needed, if any
COURSE #1 - SYLLABUS: Do you have a full syllabus, including all assignments and assessments?
No - I need one to be provided
I have part of one
I'm not sure, but I do not think I have syllabus
I'm not sure, but I probably have a syllabus
Yes, I have one now
(Recommended) COURSE #2 - TITLE - Title of another course you would like to teach
(Recommended) COURSE #2 - EXPERIENCE: Have you taught this course before?
Yes - one time - More than 2 years ago
Yes - one time - Less than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - All more than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - At least once within the last 2 years
(Recommended) COURSE #2 - PREPAREDNESS: How quickly could you be ready to teach this course? (This questions is NOT about your availability. It is about how prepared you feel to teach this class.)
REMEMBER PARTS: I know parts of the course but need to reteach myself most of the course first
RUSTY BUT GOOD: I need to relearn some chapters and it would be at least a week before first lesson. Need hours of prep before each lesson
QUICK REVIEW: Might need a few days before beginning first lesson. Then minimal prep time before lessons
READY NOW: I am ready to teach this now. Minimal prep needed, if any
(Recommended) COURSE #2 - SYLLABUS: Do you have a full syllabus, including all assignments and assessments?
No - I need one to be provided
I have part of one
I'm not sure, but I do not think I have syllabus
I'm not sure, but I probably have a syllabus
Yes, I have one now
(Recommended) COURSE #3 - TITLE - Title of another course you would like to teach
(Recommended) COURSE #3 - EXPERIENCE: Have you taught this course before?
Yes - one time - More than 2 years ago
Yes - one time - Less than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - All more than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - At least once within the last 2 years
(Recommended) COURSE #3 - PREPAREDNESS: How quickly could you be ready to teach this course? (This questions is NOT about your availability. It is about how prepared you feel to teach this class.)
REMEMBER PARTS: I know parts of the course but need to reteach myself most of the course first
RUSTY BUT GOOD: I need to relearn some chapters and it would be at least a week before first lesson. Need hours of prep before each lesson
QUICK REVIEW: Might need a few days before beginning first lesson. Then minimal prep time before lessons
READY NOW: I am ready to teach this now. Minimal prep needed, if any
(Recommended) COURSE #3 - SYLLABUS: Do you have a full syllabus, including all assignments and assessments?
No - I need one to be provided
I have part of one
I'm not sure, but I do not think I have syllabus
I'm not sure, but I probably have a syllabus
Yes, I have one now
(Recommended) OTHER COURSES - Please list other courses here
If there are many courses, you can just list a few and then writer "and many more" or you can list out as many as you want
(Optional) UNIVERSITIES TAUGHT AT: What colleges/universities have you taught at (if any)?
MESSAGE (optional) - Anything else you would like to share? (about your background or availability or anything you want)