First Name
Last Name
NICKNAME - Your nickname or what you prefer to be called (if different from your first name)
WANT TO TEACH: Which departments would you like to teach?
Art History
Creative Writing
Film, TV, & Media
Graphic Design
Theater & Performance Studies
Web Design
FORMAL TRAINING: What formal training have you received in this department?
PhD student (current)
BA Major
BA Minor
Several Courses at University
Learned through Online Video Course
Other (please specify your other formal training in "MESSAGE" field, which is the final question of this application form)
TEACHING ROLE: Have you taught full-length university-level courses in this department before? If so, in which of the following roles?
Professor (including assistant professor, adjunct professor, etc.)
PhD Student
Teaching Assistant
Private Tutor
Other (please specify your other teaching roles in the "MESSAGE" field, which is the final question of this application form)
None of the above
(Recommended) DEGREES LIST - Please list your degrees and the field that these degrees are in.
University name optional
1-ON-1 TEACHING: Do you have experience in PRIVATE, ONE-ON-ONE TEACHING in this department or a related department? If so, approximately how how many students?
None yet, but looking forward to it!
More than 5
(Optional) OTHER EXPERIENCE: Other relevant teaching experience in this department? (optional)
INDEED RESUME: Did you submit a Resume on Indeed?
EXTENT OF AVAILABILITY: Over what time period do you expect to have some availability to teachwith us online, 1-on-1 courses?
If you expect to have availability to teach on an extended ongoing basis, then select "2 yr or more"
6mo. - 1yr
1 yr
1.5 yr
2 yr or more
TIME ZONE: What time zone are you in?
COUNTRY: What country are you in?
(Recommended) UNIVERSITY-LEVEL TEACHING PRIOR EXPERIENCE: Which departments have you taught university classes in?
Architecture- I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Art History- I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Creative Writing- I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Film, TV, & Media - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Graphic Design -I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Journalism- I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Music - I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Theater & Performance Studies- I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
Web Design- I have taught course(s) in it at a college or university.
OTHER - I've taught elsewhere but not a university
OTHER - No experience teaching
COURSE #1 TITLE - Title of Course you would like to teach
COURSE #1 EXPERIENCE: Have you taught this course before?
Yes - one time - More than 2 years ago
Yes - one time - Less than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - All more than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - At least once within the last 2 years
COURSE #1 - PREPAREDNESS: How quickly could you be ready to teach this course? (This questions is NOT about your availability. It is about how prepared you feel to teach this class.)
REMEMBER PARTS: I know parts of the course but need to reteach myself most of the course first
RUSTY BUT GOOD: I need to relearn some chapters and it would be at least a week before first lesson. Need hours of prep before each lesson
QUICK REVIEW: Might need a few days before beginning first lesson. Then minimal prep time before lessons
READY NOW: I am ready to teach this now. Minimal prep needed, if any
COURSE #1 - SYLLABUS: Do you have a full syllabus, including all assignments and assessments?
No - I need one to be provided
I have part of one
I'm not sure, but I do not think I have syllabus
I'm not sure, but I probably have a syllabus
Yes, I have one now
(Recommended) COURSE #2 - TITLE - Title of another course you would like to teach
(Recommended) COURSE #2 - EXPERIENCE: Have you taught this course before?
Yes - one time - More than 2 years ago
Yes - one time - Less than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - All more than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - At least once within the last 2 years
(Recommended) COURSE #2 - PREPAREDNESS: How quickly could you be ready to teach this course? (This questions is NOT about your availability. It is about how prepared you feel to teach this class.)
REMEMBER PARTS: I know parts of the course but need to reteach myself most of the course first
RUSTY BUT GOOD: I need to relearn some chapters and it would be at least a week before first lesson. Need hours of prep before each lesson
QUICK REVIEW: Might need a few days before beginning first lesson. Then minimal prep time before lessons
READY NOW: I am ready to teach this now. Minimal prep needed, if any
(Recommended) COURSE #2 - SYLLABUS: Do you have a full syllabus, including all assignments and assessments?
No - I need one to be provided
I have part of one
I'm not sure, but I do not think I have syllabus
I'm not sure, but I probably have a syllabus
Yes, I have one now
(Recommended) COURSE #3 - TITLE - Title of another course you would like to teach
(Recommended) COURSE #3 - EXPERIENCE: Have you taught this course before?
Yes - one time - More than 2 years ago
Yes - one time - Less than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - All more than 2 years ago
Yes - multiple times - At least once within the last 2 years
(Recommended) COURSE #3 - PREPAREDNESS: How quickly could you be ready to teach this course? (This questions is NOT about your availability. It is about how prepared you feel to teach this class.)
REMEMBER PARTS: I know parts of the course but need to reteach myself most of the course first
RUSTY BUT GOOD: I need to relearn some chapters and it would be at least a week before first lesson. Need hours of prep before each lesson
QUICK REVIEW: Might need a few days before beginning first lesson. Then minimal prep time before lessons
READY NOW: I am ready to teach this now. Minimal prep needed, if any
(Recommended) COURSE #3 - SYLLABUS: Do you have a full syllabus, including all assignments and assessments?
No - I need one to be provided
I have part of one
I'm not sure, but I do not think I have syllabus
I'm not sure, but I probably have a syllabus
Yes, I have one now
(Recommended) OTHER COURSES - Please list other courses here
If there are many courses, you can just list a few and then writer "and many more" or you can list out as many as you want
(Optional) UNIVERSITIES TAUGHT AT: What colleges/universities have you taught at (if any)?
MESSAGE (optional) - Anything else you would like to share? (about your background or availability or anything you want)