Programming with Pencil Code at 1-on-1 University


You and the Professor.

The 1-on-1 University Program (1U) offers you the unique opportunity to engage in college-level study, 1-on-1 with your professor as, together, you and the professor fulfill the goal of…

Transforming You into the Expert.

…so that you can launch yourself forward in the pursuit of your academic passions and career ambitions.


Course Description

Programming with Pencil Code

Tree Pencil Code.jpg

Pencil Code is a fun and easy way to get started with real-world programming. You will learn fundamental programming concepts by controlling a turtle and making it draw images on…

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…the screen. Then, you will learn to add interactivity or learn about more complex computer science concepts (or both!). In the full course, you will build up to designing and developing your own complete two-dimensional game. You will write code directly in the browser and be able to show off the results to your friends and family immediately!

Your 1U professor for Programming with Pencil Code has had a career as a Google developer and has taught at several major brick-and-mortar universities, including Washington University in St. Louis. She is currently focusing on developing tools and strategies to help students learn code in a faster, easier and more enjoyable way.

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